Finally, the Truth is Revealed…

How to Easily Manage Your Stress & Emotions to

Feel Energetic, Alive, and Healthy!

Introducing… The 5 Secrets to Deal with Emotional Stress audio file

  • Are you suffering from an illness, and/or do you feel tired on a regular basis?
  • Does it seem like you can’t get enough of a break from stressful situations to recharge and get control of your body?
  • Do you feel like something is ‘off’ and you’re just not sure what to do about how you feel?

The American Medical Association states that 80% of ALL health problems are related to stress. The Center for Disease Control says that 85% of disease has an emotional element. Emotional stress is linked to high blood pressure, fatigue and other pain in your body. This is downright shocking, but there IS a solution to this growing problem.


Dr. Shiroko Sokitch is a board certified medical acupuncturist and acclaimed medical doctor who runs and operates the Heart to Heart to Heart Medical Center in Santa Rosa, CA. Through her extensive experience and long-term career, Dr. Shiroko has helped thousands of individuals regain control of their health and wellbeing.

In the 5 Secrets to Deal with Emotional Stress audio training, Dr. Shiroko will teach you:

  • ​The immediate action step you need to take when you notice pain in your body
  • A simple exercise (that works!) to get instant balance and release stress/anxiety/frustration from your body
  • An effective treatment to release past emotional trauma to reverse disease and gain total physical vibrancy

Don’t live another day with the stress and emotion that is causing pain, fatigue and disease in your body.

Download the audio file here

Instantly download Dr. Shiroko’s audio training, 
The 5 Secrets to Deal with Emotional Stress today!